Samstag, Juli 29, 2006

Judith, Du hast es so gewollt.

Ob es albern ist, sich mit 32 noch in Popsängerinnen zu verlieben, habe ich mich vor zwei Jahren gefragt. Seit die göttliche Judith Holofernes in mein Leben getreten ist, habe ich die Frage mit einem deutlichen "Nein" beantwortet.

Heute lese ich, dass sie heimlich den Langhaaraffenihren Schlagzeuger geheiratet hat.

Bricht mir das Herz, aber mit den Streets auf den Lippen wende ich den Blick nach vorn:

Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over

9 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Köstlich. Den Songtext werde ich mir gleich mal kopieren. Man weiß ja nie, was und wie's kommt. Interessant finde ich die das Passiv in "her mind has been made up". Ein Trost, as she didn't make her mind up. Irgendjemand anderes hatte da also seine Hände im Spiel ...

Anonym hat gesagt…

Autsch. Alexander könntest Du bitte den Typo ("die das") rausnehmen? Außerdem muss es "she didn't make up her mind" heißen. Wenn schon Englisch, dann richtig.

Alexander hat gesagt…

Hajo: Tut mir leid, kann die Kommentare nicht ändern, nur löschen. Ich lasse aber beide hier stehen, damit alle sehen können, dass Du Deine orthographischen Fehler bemerkt hast. Kleiner Tipp: "A preposition is a word to never end a sentence with."

Das Leben kann ja manchmal sooo ungerecht sein. :-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ala - Kleiner Tipp: "never to end" - otherwise you have a split infinitive, which causes physical pain to any English-speaking pedant, no matter how illogical the rule is (the grammar of standard English is based on Latin, as that was seen as the benchmark at the time, but it means the rules are artificial and do not suit natural use - as you have just proven). The writers of Star Trek have a lot to answer for in this already difficult world.

My sympathies, by the way. If it makes you feel any better, I think facial hair is a huge passion killer and just the thought of having to knutschen that forest of fur gives me the heebie-jeebies. If the world is a just place, she'll have to shave his baby from head to foot every day before she can take it out in public ;-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Old, but still funny (Georg just reminded me of this):


A Texan goes to Harvard and he is walking across Harvard yard when he sees a student, wearing his beanie, approaching. He stops the student and asks, "Excuse me, feller, where's the library at?"
The Harvard student, taken aback, responds: "Dear sir, here at Harvard we do not end our sentences with prepositions."
To which the Texan replies: "Okay, where's the library at, asshole."


Also, both " she didn't make her mind up" and "she didn't make up her mind" are permissible - they just have a slightly different emphasis. Also, the ending a sentence with a preposition rule doesn't apply as strictly here as it would normally, as the preposition is part of a phrasal verb.

Lesson over. I'll take my teacher hat off now (it's both the semesterferien and the weekend so I should be ashamed of myself) and go and indulge in some Johnny Depp therapy - I'll need it to get over the Pout Rage which Keira Knightly incites in me. Grrrr.

Georg hat gesagt…

I'll have Keira Knightly, please.

Alexander hat gesagt…

Katherine: Thanks for the lesson. I'm not really in shape, otherwise I would have noticed the split infinitive. I was probably still in shock and awe over the news of Judith's choice of husband.

Enjoy Johnny, though. And stop Georg from drooling over Keira too heavily.

Georg: Finger weg von Keira! Eine Frau mit "K" muss reichen. :-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ach Alex, Du wirst es überleben. Es hätte durchaus schlimmer kommen können, aber zum Glück ist Pamela nicht Deine Größenordnung ;-}

Alexander hat gesagt…

Regine: Das sieht ganz, ganz, ganz gruselig aus... Brrrr...